Connecting brands and their audience through design.

Hello, I’m Oygar – a senior designer based in The Netherlands.

From creative studios to impactful brands, I work with inspiring people to help them achieve their goals through creativity and design. Here is an on-going selection of the work I’ve done.

Casco Art Institute

Casco Art Institute

Helping an experimental art platform deliver their message in a clear and functional way.


Designing for the greenest telecom provider in The Netherlands.
The Code

The Code

Visualising a sonic world for one of UK’s most innovative musicians.
Triodos Bank

Triodos Bank

Giving impact banking a new look and streamline the user interaction
Maison Nguyen

Maison Nguyen

A lifestyle brand from Utrecht with love for the world.
Princess Maxima Centrum

Princess Maxima Centrum

An interactive installation to translate gratitude into happy everyday moments.


An interactive installation for the 60000 donors who made PMC a reality


Website and a 10 year anniversary branding for the Sustainable Trade Initiative


Communicating a passion for fashion and empowerment from Netherlands to Africa
Orta Anadolu

Orta Anadolu

Transforming B2B denim marketing to B2B2C through design.